
FLBN - Ch. 5 - The Rustling Leaves

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FLBN - Ch. 5 - The Rustling Leaves

There was barely a breeze in the air.

Trystan and I were running to my house for food. As we ran, Ben was left sleeping in the cave. I worried about him, being there alone. I hoped nothing bad would happen to him.

Trystan suddenly stopped, not moving a muscle. It looked as though he was barely even breathing! I, on the other hand, was breathing heavily. The crest on his head vibrated twice every two seconds. Was he sensing something?

He jolted his head like a meerkat searching for predators. Trystan yanked me behind a tree, beside a fallin' log.

While I slowly caught my breathe, I 'whispered', "What's wrong?" With an intake of air between each word.

He remained silent, and stalkishly looked around the tree.

I tried again, "Trystan, what's wro-," I cut myself off when I heard an unknown voice.

"How long does it take us to find a newly transforming Pokéuman?" A female voice whiningly asked.

"As long as it must takes," a male voice replied.

"But, what if the Extinctionists' already captured him or her?" a different female counter-asked.

"We won't know until we find ou-" the male was interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.

He answered, "Hello… No we haven't yet, but-… Wait, another?… Alright… Got it… Bye." I heard the cell phone slam shut, along with some crunching of plastic, glass, and metal.

"What's wrong?" the first female asked.

He sighed, "That was the Commander," he didn't sound amused. "Apparently there is a second transformer. And (s)he is in the same town as the first."

"And meaning he wants us to find them both," Female #2 asked as a statement.

"Yup," the guy sighed.

"Awesome," the girls sarcastically said in unison.

"Uggghhhh!" One of them exclaimed, "I hate search missions!" followed by the punch to a near by tree. 

"Let's rest here for lunch," Girl #1 suggested, with the rumbling of three stomachs in confirmation. "I think we all could use a sandwich and a few granola bars ."

"Alright," the man agreed.

I turned to Trystan. "What's happening?" I whispered.

"They're sitting around eating," he replied back. He then turned away from them, and started to think out loud to himself. "I can easily take out the Typhlosion, and the Glaceon will take a few, but the Garchomp… he'll be a little more difficult……… hmm. If only I knew Ice Beam."

As he tried to make out a strategy, my curiosity over came me, and I carefully poked my head around the tree for a glimpse at the three figures.

What I saw was amazing! There was a giant, fire rat with navy blue fur on its back and cream fur on its front. It also had a bodaciously, blazing, blue flame coming from the back of its neck, like a collar.

There was also an ice dog with long, hanging blue kite-like ears and a blue kite-like tail as well. Its body and legs were a fine, powder, light blue colour, along with the crystal-like 'crown' on its head. It's also carrying a brown satchel. Probably filled with food and anything medical-wise.

And the last one I saw was a seven foot, Dinoshark; dark blue all over, except for its crimson torso, and… a little lower was golden-yellow. Its arms have wing-like features on them, but without the feathers. There's a dorsal fin on its back, and two lethal, metal point on each upper arm and thigh.

It took me a second to sync back into reality as I looked amazed at the creatures before me. The ice dog had taken off the satchel and pulled out some sandwiches by the time I had snapped back into my world. Though, after the amazement, came the bestartlement. I quickly and carelessly spun myself back behind the tree at the very thought of how easily they could hurt, possibly kill, me if they wanted to. In the process of the spin, I rustled the leaves around me and sat on a twig, which broke with a loud Snap!

Everything went silent. No one moved, no one evened breathed. It seemed as if the air and trees around us became silent as well. Thirty seconds passed until one of the three figures started walking, though stopping shortly after. It spoke.

"Who's there?"
I recognized the voice. It was the ice dog's. 
"Don't make me ask again." 

If it weren't for knowing this was a possible life or death situation, I'd probably be hyperventilating at this point in time. I looked to Trystan for any ideas. He was now sitting with his back to the tree, he looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes, and… apology? He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, and with a big breath, stood up.

He walked slowly walked around the tree, his flat, broad tail dragging across the ground, the loud rustling of leaves from his tail broke the silence, like before, no one moved, no one breathed, except for the Dewott, sacrificing himself for the betterment of a puny human being like myself, and the leaves, the leaves of which have caused this Dewott his fate.

To stand or not to stand along with him? That is the question at this moment, is it not? Risk my life possibly for the sake of his, or sit here like a coward? Though, he wanted it to be like this did he not? Why else would he have apology in his eyes? Unless… What is that Dewott planning?

The sound of dragging leaves had stopped. I imagined he stood there not five feet away from them, face to face. There was more silen- no I felt a slight rumbling in the ground. I looked down, the moisture on the leaves and grass started to move towards me. No not me, Trystan. No more than five seconds later, a huge wave was coming from the horizon targeted at us! I didn't do anything to give away anything, but in my mind I was freaking out. Before the magical tidal wave hit any of us, the last thing I heard was Trystan saying, "Surf."
And after 3+ months I finally give you chapter 5.
Not how I planned to end it, but it seemed fitting. Leaving you with knowing what is to be happening in the next chapter, yet leaving you with the suspense of what the outcome will be.

Into the story we go. There's a paragraph in here with nothing but commas and a single period, if I'm correct. That is suppose to be there, and it's called 'a stream of consciousness'. I plan on writing more of them throughout the chapters to come, so watch out for them. This one is not my best, but it seemed like a well put place to be, just not executed as well as it could've been.

One more note before credits. The beginning was written about 3+ months ago, and I tried my best to fix it, but I'm sorry if it seemed sloppy. :P

The three figures do not belong to me.
The Typhlosion/Fire Rat belongs to :icontigerflower1999:
The Glaceon/Ice Dog belongs to :iconanotherzoruaamongus:
And the Garchomp/Dinoshark belongs to :iconman-in-crowd-4:
Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company
Pokéumans belongs to :iconpokemonmanic3595:
Credit to Deadmau5 for the stories title idea.

ALSO! Don't forget to give criticism! :D
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